Monday, August 6, 2012

Two Weeks In

Cleaning out the seams.
Our plastic once it's removed from the mosaic.

After this piece goes in, the male and female face will be complete.

End of day 14!

Filling in the gaps.

Because of all the corrections and fittings, some of the mesh needs to be replaced.

Doing corrections is much easier with gravity on our side.

End of day 13!
From the delicious cupcake shop across from us.

Almost fine refers to the level of the cement to make the mosaic flush.

It's been very hot lately so we needed some vents in our tents!

End of day 12!

Mike's mixing station.

Mike uses a hammer and a piece of wood to pound the piece in. Without the wood you would hit individual pieces making them shift and buckle.

End of day 11!


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to document this project I such detail! Fascinating, illuminating and inspiring. I'm sharing on Mosaic Art NOW. Wowza.

    1. Thank you! We blog about all our installations. If you'd like to see more we have a blog section on our website,
